As 2025 starts, there are different goals that you want to hit as a practitioner. It can be working with more clients, getting back to school or even doing a career change.
For the different goals to come to pass, there are different things you need to do. You will be able to look back and see that you were able to achieve all that you wanted in 2025.
These tips include:

1. Having periods of self-care.
As you work towards reaching your goals, you need to have periods when all you take care of is yourself.
It can be in activities as easy as sleeping in during the weekends, solo movie dates, journalling or even having a spa session. In these moments, you get to pour into yourself and not have to worry about anyone else.
2. Planning all your tasks.
You do not want to suffer burnout just as the year has started. You can avoid this by planning your different sessions.
For example, you can use a planner to plan your day-to-day. You can also choose to have a digital planner and enter the different appointments you have.
As you start each week, you get to see the different deliverables that you have and you can tick them off as the week progresses . For the tasks that you were not able to do, you can always carry them forward and include them in your schedule.
3. Assess your ability to take on new activities.
You will get new responsibilities almost every week. There are those you will do well and there are those that you will not.
You therefore have to be completely honest with yourself. It makes sure that you do not overwhelm yourself with tasks that you will not be in a position to see to the very end.
4. Track your progress.
As you move through the year, you need to keep track of the goals that you have set for yourself. It helps you gauge the steps you need to take and the actions you need to take to achieve your goals.
You will also be taking stock and readjusting your goals as needed.
5. Seek support.
In the field of wellness, you need to always seek help and connect with others. It can be a lonely field if you do it on your own.
The other professionals are there to help you when you come across the different hurdles in your career. Do not be afraid to reach out and seek help when you need it.
To summarize, there are so many things you can do when it comes to setting realistic goals for yourself as a practitioner.
Which of the above tips have you tried? Feel free to tell us down below.
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