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Reiki Healing: Welcoming Healing.

In the era of holistic wellness, the world is embracing integrative therapies to promote overall well-being.

Life has different complexities and sometimes trying to use one healing method may be less effective. Reiki healing is one wellness practice that has existed for a long time and is very effective.

In this article, we will introduce you to the practice, its origin, and its benefits and give you a provider who has the expertise.

The Origin of Reiki Healing

Reiki healing is a practice that employs energy to encourage relaxation. The practice originated in Japan and comes from two words ’rei’, which translates to spiritual and ‘ki’, which translates to energy(Cleveland Clinic,2021).

The energy healing was founded by Mikao Usui who was a Japanese Monk. Mikao later taught other people his practice and in the 1930s, energy therapy was well sought after and many people learned of the techniques.

As time has passed the practice has greatly evolved. Reiki is practiced all over the world and it is used with other holistic wellness practices.

The Aim of Reiki Therapy.

Reiki therapy aims to maintain balance in the energy systems of the body. By doing so, your body feels balanced, and relaxed and this greatly improves your overall wellbeing.

Benefits of Reiki Healing.

  • Stimulates relaxation.

The session is conducted in a quiet and calm place and this helps you feel relaxed. The healing therefore fosters a sense of grounding that helps reduce your stress and anxiety.

  • Fosters healing.

Reiki healing is majorly used as a complementary therapy especially when it comes to physical healing. For a condition such as chronic pain, one may experience stress and this will affect your overall wellbeing(Cronkelton,2018).

With reiki, one can experience improved well-being as a result of reduced stress and this fosters healing.

  • Harmonizes energy.

The main goal of reiki healing is to balance the energy systems in the body. Reiki practice believes that when energy flow in the body is blocked, it leads to an imbalance that deteriorates the overall well-being of a person. When the balance is restored, one gains optimal health.

  • Promotes Emotional Wellbeing.

When the body is in a state of calm, one can feel and also express their emotions at a deeper level. When one expresses how they feel, they get to understand it better and this even explains their actions. Emotional well-being is reinstated when an individual can articulate how they feel and this leads to one understanding themselves better and hence emotional wellness.

Introducing Kate Lunsford.

For anyone looking to experience the great benefits of Reiki healing, we recommend Kate Lunsford. Kate is an energy healer and coach who has Level 3 Master Certification in Reiki healing.

Whether you are in your spiritual growth journey, experiencing a major life transition, feeling out of balance, or seeking self-care and renewal, Kate Lunsford is dedicated to helping you achieve greater balance and well-being.

You can find all her details and book a session with her here:


To sum up, Reiki healing is a gentle but extremely impactful way to boost wellness and encourage healing from within. Your path towards tranquility and relaxation can be enhanced using this form of healing.

Seize this opportunity to contact Kate Lunsford and start your new healing journey today.


Cleveland Clinic. (2021, August 29). What is reiki, and does it really work? Cleveland Clinic.

Cronkleton, E. (2018, June 21). 5 Reasons you Should try reiki. Healthline.

Starkman, E. (2021, August 24). What Is Reiki? WebMD.


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