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Essential Gym Wear You Should Invest In As A Beginner.

Starting your fitness journey is always so exciting. It is a great step to take when it comes to your overall well-being.

Most of the things that people focus on include the gym, the physical trainer, and even the food intake. One of the things that brings a bit of confusion, is the clothes to wear while on this transformational journey.

In this article, we will take you through some gym wear essentials that you can consider purchasing.

1. Workout shoes.

Workout shoes are integral to ensuring that you have a great experience. Depending on the type of workout, you might need to be on your feet.

You should therefore ensure that you have comfortable shoes that are light, comfortable, and also sturdy.

The shoes should not hurt your feet since they will adversely affect your overall workout experience.

You can also choose very specific shoes according to your needs. For example, if you go for morning runs and the grass has dew, you can make sure that your shoes are water and skid-proof to make sure that you are comfortable.

2. Workout clothes.

Workout clothes are unique since they should keep you comfortable but also be in a position to keep you cool as you work out.

The material should be light enough not to tear but light enough to be comfortable to move around in.

3. Water bottle.

A water bottle is a must-have in your fitness journey. You need to make sure you take as much water as possible.

As you work out, your body uses up a lot of its water and you need to keep replenishing. The water you take will ensure that you keep moving while still comfortable.

If you are dehydrated, you will not have the strength and the stamina to see your workouts till the very end.

4. Towel.

One of the things that are assured as you work out is sweating. Your body is burning calories as you work out and as a result, you will sweat.

Sweat makes you sticky and it might make you uncomfortable. You need a towel to dry yourself during and even after your workouts.

5. Gym bag.

All these items need to have a bag to be put in.  As you head to work, you can put your gym bag in your car and it makes it easy to head straight to the gym after work.

It also makes it easy for you to set up if you are doing outdoor or even virtual fitness sessions.

The items mentioned above are essential and are a must-have in your fitness journey.

There are also some optional items you can carry that can help in your fitness journey. They include:

6. Fitness tracker.

You can use a watch or choose to purchase a premium application for your phone. The tracker has different features from what you eat to the calories you burn. You can use it to track your progress.

7. Jump rope.

You can have to do quick home workouts or even just use it for warm-ups.

8. Yoga mat.

You can purchase a yoga mat to help you stretch or even add yoga workouts to your routines.

9. Headphones.

You can wear them while working out and listen to music. They make your workouts fun.

10. Recovery tools.

You can purchase these tools to help you with post-workout soreness. 

Meet Phil Soares.

Phil Soares is an exceptional total well-being specialist. Phil is a NASM-certified personal trainer who believes in well-being being more than just physical exercise and nutrition.

Ready to explore the world of total wellness? Phil is the right professional for you.

You can find all his details here and book a session with him:


Depending on the type of workout you are starting, there are certain items that you will need to have. There are however items that you need to have regardless of the kind of workout you are doing.

There are also certain workout items that are not necessary, especially for a beginner but you can choose to add them as time goes by.

Feel free to consult with our physical trainer on the things you need to start this journey.


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