We all have moments when we do not feel good enough or even deserving of different things. It tends to hold us back from blooming and being the best that we can be.
Even holistic wellness practitioners, there are points in your career when you might doubt your abilities. It is only human to do so but you cannot allow it to overtake you.
For example, you might have someone refer clients to you. On the BYOU platform, for example, a single blog post can also bring you clients from a different part of the world.
At first, you might wonder if you will deliver as required of you. The client has high expectations and you might be afraid of disappointing them in one way or another.
In this article, we are going to give you 10 different tips that will help you overcome imposter syndrome.

1 . Acknowledge it.
When you acknowledge that you have it, it is the first step towards working on i. This kind of self-awareness helps you to become aware of the different limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.
2. Celebrate every win.
When it comes to your career, there will be different wins most of the time, we tend to only celebrate the big wins.
For example, if you work with ten clients that is a huge milestone. If you work with one client successfully that is still something that needs to be celebrated.
If you undergo certification in your career successfully, you also deserve to congratulate yourself. When you do so, you make it a habit to see the different results of the work that you are putting in.
It helps build your confidence when it comes to your work. It also helps you put all self-doubts at bay since you own all your successes and believe in yourself.
3 . Avoid comparing yourself to other providers.
You are unique when it comes to the services that you offer. The experience, certifications and even education also differ.
When you have the platform, do not be afraid to be unique and offer the value that you have. There will be providers who have way more education and experience than you have.
However, you should not let that hold you back. You need to concentrate on your value keep improving it and be the best you can be.
4 . Be open to feedback.
In your line of work, there will be feedback. It can be from clients, colleagues or even mentors.
This feedback and instrumental to your growth. It ensures that you keep improving also also know your strong areas.
There are times when feedback will not be positive You should not however close it out or ignore it.
Constructive feedback ensures that you know the different areas you need to work on and be better each day.
5 . Talk to other professionals.
The holistic wellness world is vast. To succeed you need to talk to other professionals.
When you talk to others, you get to learn and also feel encouraged to continue doing what you do. They offer peer support and even avenues where you get to amass more knowledge and keep working on yourself.
You can also opt to seek special services like that of a therapist, or life and even career coach to help you with your imposter syndrome.
6 . Keep learning and improving.
When you keep learning and growing you do not have moments when you feel like the task ahead of you is too high to handle.
The different skills and expertise that you get over time allow you to handle the different tasks and you get to be even more confident in what you do.
Meet Pritha Lai.
In the journey of life, we all want to achieve great success. The path to making i,t however, comes with different challenges.
Pritha Lai is a Jay Shetty certified life coach and catalyst. She has over 15 years of experience in corporate HR and this tells you of the robust skills, knowledge and expertise that she has when it comes to her practice.
Pritha’s life journey is one where she has had very rich cultural exposure and this makes her the best person to work with. Her main audience is middle-aged men and women who may feel disconnected in their life journeys.
Ready to carve out a new path and reconnect with yourself? Book a session with Pritha Lai here:https://book-byou.com/profilepartner?expertRef=ugXFQztFtpOjubq4DOtSwTsY1uE2

Meet Maureen Hart Norris.

Maureen is a spiritual coach/counsellor. With over 15 years of experience, she teaches her clients how to become more aware of their thoughts and feelings and how they impact their behaviour.
Maureen is devoted to ensuring that you get more clarity in your life journey. She holds a Masters Degree in Spiritual counselling and this goes to show you that she is the best person to work with.
Ready to be aware of your thoughts and feelings? Feel free to book a session with Maureen Hart Norris here:https://book-byou.com/profilepartner?expertRef=8OEReKwxe5PB7nTgPuxVTompbmg1
To conclude, imposter syndrome may hold you back as a wellness professional. It may take some time but is possible to overcome it.
When you celebrate everything win, be open to feedback avoid comparing yourself to others and talk to other professionals you get to overcome your imposter syndrome and bloom.
What other ways have you used to overcome imposter syndrome as a holistic professional? Feel free to engage with us down below.