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6 Practices To Build Your Mental Resilience.

What would life be if we did not have different ups and downs? It would be very boring right?

Just reflect on the happiest days of your life. What can you remember about it?

Think of the lowest times of your life. What was happening?

When you think back to these days, you will discover that they made you in one way or another. To get through the bad days, it took you a lot of mental resilience.

Mental resilience refers to the ability to come back from difficult situations and being able to deal with the different things in life. It is therefore a skill that you need to learn and even put into use.

In this article, we will introduce you to 6 easy and different practices that can help build your mental resilience.

1. Have a growth mindset.

Life will never be a smooth line. There are different hurdles along the way and you have to overcome them.

When you have a growth mindset, you see the different challenges as opportunities for your growth. For example, if you are having a money problem, you might use it as a time to find out the different things you can do to get more money.

For example, you can start tutoring or even washing cars to get some money.

2. Solve problems as opposed to avoiding them.

When you are faced with different problems, you may be tempted to avoid them. For example, you may have argued and just swept it under the rug.

When you do so, you have many problems piled up. Dealing with the issues makes you see them from a different perspective and even get the courage to keep solving the other issues.

3. See the good things in life.

We have a habit of keeping track of the bad things that happen to us. When we do so, we only see the misery in life.

It can easily make you feel down and not even acknowledge the fact that are might be doing great even in the adversity.

You can turn this page and see the good things in life. For example, you can write what you are grateful for each day.

4. Surround yourself with people who support you.

There are times in your life when you cannot go through things by yourself. For example, if you lose a loved one, you will need to have all the support that you need.

Connecting with people who support you greatly increases your mental resilience. It gives you the surety that you will get through the hard times.

5. Eat well.

Your physical health is affected when you are under stress. To help keep you healthy and give you physical strength, you need to eat healthy foods and ensure that you are well-hydrated.

6 . Book a session with a mental health counsellor.

You can also book a session with a mental health counsellor. You will have a safe space where you express how you feel and even get guidance to process your feelings.

The counsellor can also teach you the different techniques that you can apply during this time. For example, you can learn some stress management skills, and learn of the different activities you can use for self-expression just to name a few.

Meet Jennifer Yeager Lloyd.

We are elated to introduce Jennifer Yeager Lloyd to you. Jennifer is a phenomenal licensed professional mental health counselor and a life coach.

She is highly skilled and experienced when it comes to all matters of mental health. Jennifer is dedicated to transforming lives with a special focus on populations that find it hard to ask for help. For example men in the first responders industry, LGBTIQ+ among others.

What sets Jennifer apart is her constant commitment to ensuring that her clients get the best quality of services that they need. Having worked with diverse clients since 1994, she truly understands her craft and she tailors each session to help you reach your highest potential.

Meet Nikita Lavallie.

 Mental wellness and personal development through a holistic lens are integral to our modern lives. Nikita Lavallie offers an outstanding holistic approach to your healing journey.


Nikita is a Certified Life Coach and a Psychedelic Prep and Integration Coach. Natalie majors in holistic healing and embraces the idea that healing should be holistic. Nikita is changing the game when it comes to living a life of purpose.


Her work and expertise set her apart in that she uses her knowledge of Psychology and life coaching. Her approach is evidence-based and practical, giving you the perfect blend to anchor your growth from the inside out.


Work with her.

Ready to learn how to navigate the different life challenges? Book a session with Nikita and let her help you with your journey.


All her sessions are tailor-made to meet all your needs and help you thrive.




To conclude, mental resilience is an essential skill to have when it comes to your well-being. It makes it easy for you to move through life even with the difficulties that may come with time.

What other tips can you give when it comes to developing mental resilience? Tell us down below.


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