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Pusanisa Na Ranong

Hi, my name is Pusanisa. In 2019, I faced a situation that led to depression and sleeplessness. Fortunately, through mindful practices, I was able to overcome it. From this experience, I was inspired to help others facing similar issues. Since 2020, I have focused on self development and coaching, emphasizing life transformation and spiritual awakening. My knowledge include breathwork, spiritual and quantum sciences. I hope you can gain valuable insights from my experiences and knowledge.

Breathwork Coaching for Better Sleep, Release Stress and Anxiety

Bangkok (in-person) and Global (virtual)

Breathing exercise for better sleep and reduce stress that clients can continue doing at their own daily. Coaching program to help client identify the root cause of stress in their subconscious mind, remove it and step into upgraded version of themselves.

The services I provide

I combine multiple knowledges and skills to customize individual coaching program based on the clients' need and budget. Knowledge and skills include breathwork, NLP, hypnotherapy, neurosciences-based coaching, strengthsfinder, water therapy, anti-aging sciences, energy healing, spirituality, and metaphysics.

Why choose to work with me?

BYOU treatments


Find out more treatments on my BYOU profile

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